Piano & Scottish bagpipe
Born in Switzerland, Robin started playing the piano at the age of 6 at the Conservatoire de l'Ouest Vaudois (COV) in the class of André BRUDERER. In 2007, he obtained the Paderewski prize. In 2008, he continued his musical education at the Geneva Conservatory (COG) in the class of Juan David MOLANO where he obtained his piano certificate. In 2013, he entered the Haute École de Musique de Genève (HEM) in Fabrizio CHIOVETTA's class from which he graduated in 2018. In parallel to his studies at the HEM, he began training in jazz piano with Evaristo PEREZ at the Association de Musique Rythmique (AMR) and at the Conservatoire Populaire de Musique (CPM) in 2016. Robin has had the opportunity, throughout his musical curriculum and beyond, to work for different structures in Switzerland such as the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande (OSR), the Opéra de Lausanne or the Département d'Instruction Publique (DIP), since 2018, as a music teacher in different schools in the canton of Geneva.
In a second life, Robin is also passionate about Celtic music and more particularly the Scottish bagpipe (Great Highland Bagpipe), which he has been playing as a secondary instrument, in parallel with the piano, for over 10 years. He trained on this instrument partly in Scotland, at the Glasgow College of Piping, and partly in Switzerland, in a pipe bands, the Traditional Pipe Band of Lausanne (TPBL). He had the opportunity to participate in various events in Switzerland such as the Irish Guinness Festival in Sion and the Basel Tattoo in Basel with various artists of the Celtic music scene such as Carlos Núñez, The Chieftains or, more surprisingly, Henri Dès.